Signal Display Toolbar

Signal Display Toolbar
Icon Description
Home - brings the Control window to the front.
Take New Snapshot - Takes a new "picture" of the capture buffer. If you are capturing data when you open the Signal Display window, the window shows only the state of the control signals that were in the buffer when the window was opened. Click this button to update the window with the contents of the current buffer.
Zoom In - "Zooms in" on the signal display. How much you zoom in is determined by your selection in the Signals menu. You can zoom in by a factor of 2, 4, or 8.
Zoom Out - Reverse of Zoom In.
Zoom to Selection - Zooms to show only the region highlighted on the screen. If the highlighted area contains few events, the Signal Display window may also display additional events in order to fill up the screen.
Display Entire Buffer - Zooms all the way out to display the contents of the entire buffer in the window.
Find - Opens the Control Signal change window.
Snap to Nearest Change - Moves the cursor to the nearest signal change whenever you click on the line graphics in the window. Find the line for the control signal whose changes you want to see. Click on that line, and the analyzer moves to the nearest signal change for that control signal. You can also highlight a range, and the analyzer snaps to the 2 nearest changes on either side of the range.
Timestamping Options - Opens the Timestamping Options window, where you can change the timestamping resolution and how timestamps are displayed.

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